Award Disclosures
Barron’s Top 100 Independent Financial Advisors, 2017
Barron’s Magazine created and conducted the survey for the Barron’s Top 100 Independent Financial Advisors. Advisors who wish to be ranked fill out a survey about their practice. Barron’s then verifies that data with the advisors’ firms and with regulatory databases and then applies its rankings formula to the data to generate a ranking. The formula Barron’s uses to rank advisers is proprietary. The formula has three major components: assets managed, revenue produced and quality of practice. In addition, Barron’s also considers a wide range of qualitative factors, including the advisors’ experience, their advanced degrees and industry designations, the size and shape of their teams, their charitable and philanthropic work and compliance records. Barron’s has not published, the number of nominees considered for the award ranking. The recipient did not a fee to participate in the survey. The award is not based on any client experience. Receipt of the award is not indicative of future performance.
Barron’s Top 1,200 Financial Advisors, 2015-2016
Barron’s Magazine created and conducted the survey for the Barron’s Top 1,200 Financial Advisors. Award nominees are identified by the following factors assets under management, revenue produced for the firm, regulatory record, quality of practice and philanthropic work. In 2015 and 2016, over 4,000 candidates were considered for the award and 1200 candidates received the award (approximately 30 %). The recipient did not a fee to participate in the survey. The award is not based on any client experience. Receipt of the award is not indicative of future performance.
Ameriprise Circle of Success, 1997-2015
Ameriprise Financial awards its Circle of Success designation to its advisers. To earn this achievement, Ameriprise affiliated advisors must consistently demonstrate exceptional commitment to financial planning and superior client service. A select number of high-performing advisors earn this distinction. Ameriprise does not offer additional detail about the percentage of recipients. The award may not be representative of any one client’s experience because the rating reflects an average of all, or a sample of all, of the experiences of the advisor’s clients. Receipt of the award is not indicative of future performance.
Ameriprise Chairman's Advisory Council, 1997-2015
Ameriprise Financial created the Ameriprise Chairman’s Advisory Council in 1984. Award nominees are Ameriprise affiliated advisors who demonstrate distinguished performance and client service. These recipients represent the top 1% of advisors at Ameriprise. The award may not be representative of any one client’s experience because the rating reflects an average of all, or a sample of all, of the experiences of the advisor’s clients. Receipt of the award is not indicative of future performance.
Financial Times Top 400 Financial Advisers, 2016 & 2017
Financial Times created and conducted the survey for the Financial Times Top 400 Financial Advisers. Award nominees are identified by six broad factors assets under management, AUM growth rate, years of experience, compliance record, industry certifications, online accessibility In 2016, just under 1,000 candidates were considered for the award and 400 candidates received the award (approximately 40%). In 2017, 800 advisers met the qualifying criteria of $350 million in AUM and 10 years of experience and 400 candidates received the award. The recipient did not pay a fee to participate in the survey. The award is not based on any client experience. Receipt of the award is not indicative of future performance.
Barron’s Top 1,200 Financial Advisors State By State, 2016
Barron’s Magazine created and conducted the survey for the Barron’s Top 1,200 Financial Advisors State By State. Award nominees are identified by the following factors assets under management, revenue produced for the firm, regulatory record, quality of practice and philanthropic work. In 2016, over 4,000 candidates were considered for the award and 1200 candidates received the award (approximately 30 %). Barron’s uses a proprietary scoring system that assigns a top score of 100 to the top adviser and rates the rest of the advisers by comparing them with the top-ranked advisor. Advisor are then sorted by their reported state of business. The recipient did not a fee to participate in the survey. The award is not based on any client experience. Receipt of the award is not indicative of future performance.